29th April 2019 09:00 UTC

This hearing in New York on 29 April is part of the preparatory process for the UN General Assembly high-level meeting on universal health coverage on 23 September 2019.

Multi-stakeholder hearing in preparation for the United Nations General Assembly high-level meeting on UHC

The President of the General Assembly, with the support of the World Health Organization and UHC2030, will convene an interactive multi-stakeholder hearing on 29 April 2019 at the United Nations in New York, as part of the preparatory process for UN HLM. The hearing is part of the preparatory process for the UN General Assembly high-level meeting on universal health coverage, which will take place on 23 September 2019 in New York, with the overall theme: Universal Health Coverage: Moving Together to Build a Healthier World. The World Health Organization (WHO) and UHC2030 are supporting the President of the General Assembly in the organization of the hearing. 

The hearing will take place from 10:00 to 18:00, in the General Assembly Hall at the UN Headquarters in New York. The discussion will focus on core themes around UHC, noting that UHC is a catalyst for social-economic development and a key contributor to equity, social justice and inclusive economic growth. Investing in health systems for UHC drives progress on all health-related targets as well as across several Sustainable Development Goals beyond the health sector, including Goal 1 (no poverty), Goal 2 (food security, nutrition and sustainable agriculture), Goal 4 (quality education), Goal 5 (gender equality), Goal 6 (clean water and sanitation), Goal 8 (decent work and economic growth) and Goal 16 (inclusive societies). 

You can access the final programme here, with details of speakers.

If you are not attending, you can follow live on UNTV from 10.00 EST. 

Please submit questions on the topics to be discussed to @UN_PGA on Twitter using the hashtag #HealthForAll.

The hearing aims to engage the active participation of “appropriate senior-level representatives of Member States, observers of the General Assembly, parliamentarians, representatives of local government, relevant United Nations entities, non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council, invited civil society organizations, philanthropic foundations, academia, medical associations, the private sector and broader communities, ensuring the participation and voices of women, children, youth and indigenous leadership” as part of the preparatory process. It will provide a unique opportunity to mobilize voices from a broad range of multi-sectoral stakeholders.

Participants will be encouraged to exchange views on key priorities to raise with Heads of States during the HLM, while underscoring experiences and best practices on the ground, highlighting the special challenges faced by civil society organisations, private sector and other stakeholders.

The outcome of the hearing will inform the preparation of the zero-draft political declaration on UHC that will be negotiated by Member States.

Timeline of key dates

29th April - Interactive Multi-stakeholder Hearing 

23rd September - UN High-level Meeting on UHC 

Useful resources

UHC Key Asks

Campaign Toolkit

Find out more about the HLM on UHC here

Register to receive regular updates on the HLM for UHC here