4 May 2022

A summary of the Voluntary National Review (VNR) Lab on Sustainable Development Goal 3

Accelerating progress towards the health-related SDGs: a look at VNR lab on SDG3

On 27 April 2022, WHO and UHC2030 organized the Voluntary National Review (VNR) Lab on Sustainable Development Goal 3, with the support of the Group of Friends of UHC & Global Health and the Coalition of Partnerships for UHC & Global Health.

The virtual workshop had the following goals:

  • Increase awareness of global and national measurable UHC targets
  • Encourage the use of the VNR platform for country accountability to commitments made in the UN HLM on UHC in 2019
  • Share tools and resources, as well as best practices among countries to review country progress of SDG 3 in the VNR process
  • Introduce initiatives of the Coalition of Partnerships for UHC & Global Health

Here’s an overview of the event’s key topics and speakers:

  • Opening remarks: H.E. Ms Joy Phumaphi made opening remarks on behalf of the UHC Movement Political Advisory Panel, UHC2030.
  • The VNR Process: UN DESA recalled the principles and benefits of VNRs as an integral part of the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and provided updated guidelines on the structure of VNR reports.
  • 2021 Global Monitoring Report on UHC and National Pulse Surveys during COVID-19: WHO reminded us of the specifics of SDG Target 3.8 and its indicators and provided an overview of the impact of COVID-19 on national health systems.
  • State of UHC Commitment Review: UHC2030 summarized the key findings of the 2021 State of UHC Commitment review, including the need to operationalize equity and involve non-state actors in UHC initiatives, and to link country commitments to clear strategies to achieve UHC. The next steps for 2022–2023 was also outlined.
  • Civil Society Perspectives on Reaching UHC: Civil Society Engagement Mechanism (CSEM) provided an overview of the 2021 country consultations and their outcomes, including the need for multidimensional UHC commitments with a particular focus on equity, social participation, and increased public financing for health systems.
  • Other tools and resources to review country progress of SDG 3 in the VNR: PMNCH spoke on behalf of the Coalition of Partnerships for UHC & Global Health, which aims to align advocacy and accountability efforts to achieve UHC and advance the SDGs. Summary of 2015–2030 Global Health Commitments and the Coalition’s Dashboard were introduced as additional resources for VNR.

Click here to watch the full event.

For more information about what your country can do to accelerate action towards UHC, please read UHC2030’s latest message for political leaders.

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