27 September 2022

The Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) is holding its second round of public hearings on the creation of an international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.

UHC2030’s statement for the second INB Public Hearing

We would like to take this opportunity to remind world leaders that Health security and UHC are crucially inter-linked and that UHC principles are essential for a successful response to health crises.

Read our statement below:

To truly “leave no one behind”, the new pandemic treaty must be rooted in the principles of solidarity, equity and human rights. It must include measures to strengthen the global architecture for health security that are coherent with efforts towards health for all and accountability mechanisms.

As a fundamental right, universal health coverage – or UHC – is the first step towards protection from future pandemics because it ensures everyone has timely access to quality health services without facing financial hardship. That is why it is imperative that the treaty emphasize UHC and equitable and resilient health systems.

The world urgently needs coordinated investments in UHC and global preparedness, both of which depend on the same health system. We should start with investing in primary health care services to bring affordable, quality care to communities while empowering civil society and enhancing gender equity.

Today, I call on Member States to seize this opportunity to unite UHC and health security. To do so, the treaty must recognize equitable and resilient health systems as a pre-condition for sustainable pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.

--Gabriela Cuevas, Co-chair of UHC2030

Click here to learn more about the second round of public hearings and watch the livestream and recordings.

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