13 July 2020

UHC2030 multi-stakeholder review of UHC commitments

What is the state of UHC commitment in your country? Tell the real story of health care.

Fill in the survey here

Do you care about health and health services? Does your government care about health and health services? Can you tell us more about your or your community’s actual experiences of accessing health services?

Many countries are taking real and measurable steps forward to achieve universal health coverage (UHC). To better understand how this is happening or otherwise, UHC2030 is producing a multi-stakeholder review called the State of UHC Commitment with hard data about how governments are delivering on their commitment to UHC.

However, hard data has much more impact when it is accompanied by stories from real life, and that’s why we are asking for contributions from communities and organisations in countries across the world. We also want to check whether the reality described in the stories you send corresponds to the findings produced by the data.

We invite you to share your observations, anecdotes and materials that tell the real story of health care in your country. We would like the stories to be detailed and human, anonymized if necessary, and above all truthful, whether positive or negative.

All your stories and experiences, however they are articulated, whether from a country, an organization, community or a group, are valid and important. We will compile them and use them in our global synthesis report, but also in individual country profiles, which anyone will be able to use for advocacy and accountability in your country and community.

Survey in English             

Survey in Spanish

Survey in French

State of UHC Commitment survey flyer in English

State of UHC Commitment survey flyer in French

State of UHC Commitment survey flyer in Spanish

State of UHC Commitment concept brief

Read more about The State of UHC Commitment

This news item - En Espagnol

This news item - En Français

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