Public Financial Management (PFM) is critical to achieving universal health coverage in many countries. UHC2030 has a broader scope than IHP+ that goes beyond development effectiveness and includes health systems strengthening, domestic revenue mobilization and health financing.

For a lot of countries, especially middle-income countries, development effectiveness may not be an area of priority due to their relatively lower dependence on donor support in the health sector. For these countries, upstream PFM arrangements such as budget formulation and execution, resource allocation, domestic revenue mobilization and financing may be more relevant in terms of PFM collaboration. 

Collaboration on downstream FM implementation arrangements for donor-financed projects will still be relevant for low-income countries (LICs) that continue to receive significant donor support in the health sector.

Harmonizing, and ultimately aligning development partners’ financial management systems will help achieve better outcomes for health interventions in partner countries through bringing aid on budget, enhancing budget execution, reducing transaction costs, increasing fiscal transparency and oversight over the use of aid funds. It will also ensure coordinated support for strengthening countries’ capacity.

Download: Terms of Reference


The working group will: 

  • Promote joint approaches to PFM in health studies
  • Synthesize and share this knowledge on PFM issues in health
  • Champion the connections between PFM and health financing (HF) and
  • Facilitate support to the implementation of joint FM harmonization and alignment approaches.

Participant list

This PFM technical working group consists of financial management experts from UHC2030 development partners and partner countries. The group is chaired by Renaud Seligmann, FM Sector Manager at the World Bank. 

Members are:

Development partners
  • World Bank: Renaud Seligmann
  • USAID: Kamiar Khajavi and Parmela Rao
  • UNFPA: Mona Khurdok
  • AFDB: Entienne Nkoa
  • KfW: Patrick Rudolph
  • GAVI: Rosemary Owino
  • Global Fund: Adda Faye
  • EU: Elena Arjona Perez
  • WHO: Helene Barroy
Country partners
  • Sierra Leone: Sorie Kamara
  • Nepal: Mr. Surya Mani Gautam
  • Senegal: Ndeye Mayé Diouf
  • Ethiopia: Mekdim Enkossa

For further information please contact:

Max Dapaah, World Bank and UHC2030 Core Team,