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1192 results:

Secteur privé

… et opérant dans le cadre d'accords de gouvernance actionnariale. Les associations représentant le secteur…

Working Group on fragility NfR 6 Dec 16


… discussion on prioritising of different work areas Postponed due to lack of time. Members were requested…

Réunion de haut niveau sur la CSU2019

… du mouvement pour la CSU Cibles, engagements et actions clés Déclarations à la consultation…

IHP+ Monitoring Afghanistan Scorecard 2016 FR


… sector is free to select its mandate and its areas of operation. Private sector institutions including…

Cape Verde Monitoring Scorecard 2016 FR


… and, even if it exists, there is no record of actions taken in this regard. -2005/07 2014/15 2012/13 …

FMWG Meeting Minutes November 2016


… in terms of the FMWTG’s focus; to look into other areas such as social health insurance, benefits fraud,…

Liberia IHP+ Monitoring Scorecard 2016


… procurement mechanisms with the aim to reduce transaction cost and increase efficiency. TECHNICAL SUPPORT IS…



… - Heiko Warnken, Head of Division, BMZ Session 9: Areas where we need to develop better practice for EDC and…



… in terms of the FMWTG’s focus; to look into other areas such as social health insurance, benefits fraud,…

Pakistan monitoring 2016 scorecard FR


… never been jointly assessed though sub-programme areas especially the ones funded by external aid. MUTUAL…