10 septembre - 10 septembre 2024

Before the launch of the 2024 UHC Day campaign, UHC2030, CSEM and the International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA), with the support of the WHO Youth Council, will host a virtual letter-writing workshop for SDG and UHC advocates.

2024 UHC Day Campaign Virtual Letter Writing Workshop

Join us for a 1-hour virtual capacity building workshop that will focus on developing practical skills to help advocates write impactful advocacy letters for UHC.  The workshop will include a brief presentation on the 2024 UHC Day campaign, a capacity building session on effective advocacy and powerful letter writing, and Q&A discussion for participants to ask questions about and seek feedback on their advocacy work. 

Closed captioning and interpretation in French and Spanish will be available.

Register here


With only six years remaining to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it is alarming that the world is significantly off track to achieve the 2030 Agenda. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) progress on UHC (target 3.8) has stalled, with most recent estimates showing at least 4.5 billion people — more than half of the world’s population — lack access to essential health services. Financial protection has progressively deteriorated over the last 20 years, with 2 billion people experiencing financial hardship due to out-of-pocket health costs. Lack of progress on UHC is critical, with less than a third of countries progressing on both service coverage and financial protection. It is still possible to stop backsliding and achieve UHC by 2030, if countries act now to translate the commitments they made in the 2023 Political Declaration on UHC into concrete actions.    

Given the alarming deterioration of financial protection, this workshop is designed to equip and empower advocates to effectively advocate for the translation of UHC commitments into actionable laws, budgets, policies, and programs that will contribute to reducing financial barriers in accessing essential health services, particularly for the poorest and most vulnerable.  

Stay tuned! 

As a follow-up to this virtual letter writing workshop, UHC2030 and CSEM will host a one-hour youth-focused workshop in October 2024 to:

  • Support young advocates to draft letters that are specific for their country's context
  • Build confidence in their advocacy work
  • Learn from advocacy experts and each other.

Registration details will be available soon! 

2024 UHC Day Campaign  

UHC2030 and the Coalition of Partnerships for UHC and Global Health will launch the 2024 UHC Day campaign on Thursday October 3, 2024. More details will be available soon!