20th May 2019 00:00 - 28th March 2019 00:00

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WHA72 unofficial side events (UHC2030 and partners):

Friday 17-18 May
09:00-18:00 WHO, civil society and “non-State actors”: How to deal with a difficult relationship
Closed civil society strategy meeting
Organiser: Geneva Global Health Hub and its working groups and members
Venue: Ecumenical Centre World Council of Churches

Sunday 19 May

09:45-13:00 Walk the Talk: The Health for All Challenge 2019 
Venue: Place des Nations

UHC and Leave no one behind (TBC)
Organiser: The Commonwealth Secretariat with the Commonwealth Member states

Monday 20 May
14:00 – 16:00 Digital Natives Fight Fake Medicines
Organiser: Fight the Fakes Campaign IFMSA UCL Pharma Trust Commonwealth Pharmacist Association
Venue: InterContinental Geneva 7-9 Chemin du Petit-Saconnex

18:00-20:00 Rethinking global health: A prerequisite for achieving UHC
Organiser: NCD Alliance
Venue: Intercontinental

18:00-21:00 Financing Sustainable Community Health for All: The Importance of Women Leaders
Organiser: Center for Global Health and Diplomacy, Communities at the Heart of UHC, Living Goods, Last Mile Health, and the What to Expect Project
Venue: Intercontinental

Tuesday 21 May  

07:30-09:00 High-Level Ministerial Breakfast on Nutrition in Universal Health Coverage at the World Health Assembly
Organiser: Scaling up Nutrition
Venue: Villa le Bocage, Palais des Nations, Geneva

15:30 – 17:00 “Universal Health Coverage Town Hall”
Organiser: Global Health Council
Co-sponsors: Frontline Health Workers coalition, Living Goods, Intra Health, NCD Alliance
Venue: Geneva Press Club

18:00-20:00 Profiting from profit: aligning private sector interests with UHC goals
Organiser: UHC2030, WEF. WHO, IAP
Venue: Restaurant Vieux-Bois Flyer of the event

Wednesday 22 May
08:00-10:00 How Communities Can Deliver UHC for Women and Adolescents
Organiser: Communities At The Heart of UHC, Pathfinder International, and the What To Expect Project
Venue: Geneva Press Club

14 :00-15.30 UHC2030 Private Sector Constituency Meeting at the 72nd World Health Assembly
By invitation only
Organiser: World Economic Forum
Venue: Intercontinental Hotel, Geneva - Chemin du Petit-Saconnex 7-9, 1209 Genève

Thursday 23 May
07:30-09:00 Primary Health Care for All, Starting with Better Measurement
Organiser: Primary Health Care Performance Initiative (PHCPI)
Venue: Intercontinental

18:00-21:30 Invest in health workers
Organiser: Global Health Workforce Network
Venue: Intercontinental

Friday 24 May

7:30-9:00 - Breakfast session. Informal Briefing for UHC2030 members - Country offer - By invitation only
Venue: Restaurant Vieux-Bois  

14.30-16.00 Are NGOs spoiling our societies
Organiser: Medicus Mundi International Network
Venue: Graduate Institute

Saturday 25 May

11:30-13.30 UN High-Level Meeting on UHC and Global Action Plan on SDG3 (GAP). Public lunch event following the MMI  Assembly. For registration please see here
Organiser: Medicus Mundi International Network
Venue: Graduate Institute

WHA72 Member states official side events:

Monday, 20 May 

12:30-14:00: Primary Health Care towards Universal Health Coverage and Sustainable Development Goals ( Palais des Nations, Room 24)
Sponsoring Member States: China, Denmark, Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, Spain

12:30-14:00: Global Action Plan for Healthy Lives and Well-being for All: a commitment to accelerating together (Palais des Nations, Room VII)
WHA Technical Briefing
Organizer: WHO Secretariat
Source: Preliminary Journal of the WHA

Tuesday 21 May

12:30-14:00: Universal health coverage (Palais des Nations, Room XII)
WHA Technical Briefing
Organizer: WHO Secretariat
Source: Preliminary Journal of the WHA

18:00-19:30: Partnerships for Health Systems Strengthening - Prepared for Emergencies
Follow-up on last year Call to action – UHC in emergencies (Palais des Nations, Room 24)
Sponsoring Member States: Afghanistan, Central African Republic, Switzerland 
Co-sponsors: UHC2030

Wednesday 22 May

12.30 – 14.00: Good Governance and Multisectoral - actions for UHC – Partnerships and Paradoxes
Contributions from civil society, private sector and other stakeholders (Palais des Nations, Room 7)
Sponsoring Member States: Thailand, Japan, Kenya, Georgia, Germany, Lao PDR and Luxembourg 

Friday 24 May  
12.30 – 14.00 Towards the sixth replenishment, scaling up the fight against HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis (Palais des Nations, Room 7)
Sponsoring Member States: Zimbabwe

*For more official side events organised by Member States, please check this list

WHA72 Non-State actors official side events:

Tuesday 21 May
18:00-18:50 Action and accountability on UHC: building momentum towards the UN High-level meeting 
Organizers: Save the Children, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, UHC2030, Civil Society Engagement Mechanism, Action contre la Faim and International and Global Health Council
Venue: Room IX of the Palais des Nations, Geneva 

Wednesday 22 May
18:00-18:50 “Achieving women's and girls' health and human rights: Putting gender equality at the center of Universal Health Coverage” - Room IX
Organizers: International Women's Health Coalition Inc, Women Deliver, Inc., and the International Planned Parenthood Federation

Thursday 23 May
18:00-19:30 Boosting community-led responses to reaching the most marginalized communities: from local communities, to primary health care to UHC” - Room IX
Organizers: Stitching Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+) and Supported by Medicus Mundi International

*For more official side events organised by Non State Actors, please check this list