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1291 results:



… efficiency – a more useful and practical basis for action. Furthermore, it is important to frame the…



… Identifying a UHC budget advocacy problem or agenda in my country 1. Provide each participant with a…

Countdown to the UN High-Level Meeting on UHC

…With millions of lives on the line, the time for action is now. This #UHCHLM, we need urgent action to achieve…

Ghana joins UHC2030: an interview with Dr Odame, Ministry of Health

Ghana joins UHC2030: an interview with Dr Odame, Ministry of Health

… Ministry of Health is really keen to drive the agenda of Universal Health Coverage. We ensure that health…

Putting patients at the heart of every health system

Putting patients at the heart of every health system

… Scotland. We are putting UHC back on the agenda here to see what we can plan for in the coming…



… in the discussions. Summary of decisions and agreed actions General conclusions  Overall good progress in…

Women will benefit from UHC - and they will deliver it

Women will benefit from UHC - and they will deliver it

… and political benefits. A second key interaction between gender and UHC is the female health…



… space to exchange and explore mutually reinforcing action. As a network of networks, UHC2030 provides a…



… The five key principles for collective action in the UHC2030 Global Compact are endorsed by all…

Time to act now for gender equality to achieve universal health coverage

Time to act now for gender equality to achieve universal health coverage

… ethnic communities has risen up the political agenda. Age has also been shown to be an important…