G7 Declaration 2016 G7 Ise-Shima Leaders’ Declaration G7 Ise-Shima Summit, 26-27 May 2016 Preamble We, the leaders of the G7, met in Ise-Shima on 26 and 27 May 2016 to address major global economic…
UHC 2030 Alliance Concept Note (draft as of 9th March 2016) A timely opportunity The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) demonstrate a renewed global commitment to health, underpinned by target 3.8…
UHC 2030: building an alliance to strengthen health systems Draft Concept Note – 9 May 2016 A timely opportunity The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) demonstrate a renewed global commitment to…
G7 Ise-Shima Leaders’ Declaration G7 Ise-Shima Summit, 26-27 May 2016 Preamble We, the leaders of the G7, met in Ise-Shima on 26 and 27 May 2016 to address major global economic and political…
4 May 2016 Dear IHP+ Signatories, Following our letter of 29 March, attached, we are pleased to inform you that the IHP+ Steering Committee at its meeting on 8 April expressed strong support for…
Genève, le 4 mai 2016 Chers signataires de l’IHP+, Nous nous référons à notre lettre du 29 mars ci-jointe et nous avons le plaisir de vous informer que, lors de sa réunion du 8 avril, le Comité…
Note for the Civil society engagement mechanism in UHC 2030: building an alliance to strengthen health systems 1. Background: The SDGs framework result in a new approach for development. The…
Results from the survey on broadening the scope of IHP+ In April 2016, IHP+ countries were asked the following questions: Q. Looking forward: should the IHP+ activities continue either within IHP+ or…
Note de synthèse sur l’Alliance pour la CSU à l’horizon 2030 (projet daté du 9 mars 2016) Une occasion opportune Les objectifs de développement durable (ODD) démontrent un engagement international…
CSU 2030 : créer une alliance pour renforcer les systèmes de santé Projet de note de synthèse – 9 mai 2016 Une occasion opportune Les objectifs de développement durable (ODD) démontrent un…