IHP+ In Brief El resumen de Análisis anuales conjuntos del sector de la salud examen de la experiencia. Análisis Anuales Conjuntos Del Sector De La Salud Examen De La Experiencia Antecedentes Los…
IHP+ In Brief A synthesis of How to conduct a Joint Assessment of a National health Strategy based on country experience How to conduct a Joint Assessment of a National health Strategy based on…
IHP+ In Brief Une synthèse de Comment mener une évaluation conjointe des stratégies nationales de santé, ou JANS (de l’anglais : Joint Assessment of a National health Strategy) en se basant sur…
IHP+ In Brief Em sintise de Como conduzir uma Avaliação Conjunta de Estratégias Nacionais de Saúde com base na experiência do Como conduzir uma Avaliação Conjunta de Estratégias Nacionais de Saúde…
Development aid stable in 2014 but flows to poorest countries still falling OECD figures suggest that aid to the poorest countries continue to fall 08/04/2015 - Development aid flows were stable in…
Responses to donor proliferation in Ghana’s health sector A case study from the health sector in Ghana investigates how donors and government agencies responded to a proliferation of donors providing…
Health partners unite to build stronger systems for health in Ebola-affected countries On 10-11 December 2014, Ministers of Health and Finance of Ebola-affected countries, international organizations…
New funding mechanism for RMNCAH An initiative to expand financing of reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health (RMNCAH) was launched in New York on 24 September. The Global…
Tim Evans: Global Financing Facility to Advance Women’s and Children’s Health Today, the World Bank Group and the governments of Canada, Norway, and the United States announced that they will…
Win-win approach to improving information and accountability The Third Report of the independent Expert Review Group (iERG) on Information and Accountability for Women’s and Children’s Health was…