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54 results:

Tackling the big challenges: How the private sector is investing in health systems strengthening

Tackling the big challenges: How the private sector is investing in health systems strengthening

Tackling the big challenges: How the private sector is investing in health systems strengthening By Charles Dalton, Subir Basak, and Zhendong Song, IFC Industry Specialists, with the support of…

Mobilizing the private sector for an equal and rapid COVID-19 vaccine rollout

Mobilizing the private sector for an equal and rapid COVID-19 vaccine rollout

Mobilizing the private sector for an equal and rapid COVID-19 vaccine rollout By David Clarke and Anna Cocozza, World Health Organization and Sneha Kanneganti and Andreas Seiter, World Bank…

An open message to the Generation Equality Forum in Paris

An open message to the Generation Equality Forum in Paris

An open message to the Generation Equality Forum in Paris Time to make women’s and girls’ right to health a reality through universal health coverage From The Alliance for Gender Equality and UHC,…

COVID-19 and the health workforce: Six lessons

COVID-19 and the health workforce: Six lessons

COVID-19 and the health workforce: Six lessons A blog from the Global Health Workforce Network Strong and resilient health systems depend on health workers. Even prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the…

Building the reset: moving forward from COVID-19

Building the reset: moving forward from COVID-19

Building the reset: moving forward from COVID-19 A blog from the Health Systems Governance Collaborative’s ‘Building the Reset’ Initiative By Benjamin Rouffy-Ly, Consultant, WHO; Godelieve Van…

Keeping up in Kenya: Maintaining Essential Health Services in Crisis and Calm

Keeping up in Kenya: Maintaining Essential Health Services in Crisis and Calm

Keeping up in Kenya: Maintaining Essential Health Services in Crisis and Calm By Dr. Agatha Olago, Head of the Primary Health Services and Family Medicine Division at the Ministry of Health, Kenya…

Building better: How can we support countries to analyse and assess health systems performance?

Building better: How can we support countries to analyse and assess health systems performance?

Building better: How can we support countries to analyse and assess health systems performance? By Dheepa Rajan, WHO and Julia Sallaku, UHC2030 A more harmonised approach to health systems…

Gender blind to gender transformative: empowering women as leaders in the global health workforce

Gender blind to gender transformative: empowering women as leaders in the global health workforce

Gender blind to gender transformative: empowering women as leaders in the global health workforce By the Global Health Workforce Network’s Gender Equity Hub. Gender equality is fundamental to…

To weather the storm and achieve Universal Health Coverage – we all have a role to play

To weather the storm and achieve Universal Health Coverage – we all have a role to play

To weather the storm and achieve Universal Health Coverage – we all have a role to play By Lenio Capsaskis, Head of Health Policy, Advocacy, Research, Save the Children. Countries across the world…

International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife: celebrating and investing in front line health workers, in this year of all years

International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife: celebrating and investing in front line health workers, in this year of all years

International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife: celebrating and investing in front line health workers, in this year of all years By Carey McCarthy, WHO, Global Health Workforce Network When the…