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5083 results:


UHC2030 STEERING COMMITTEE 8th Session – 3-4 February 2021 Videoconference (zoom) The road to 2023: Gearing up for UN HLM 2023 For Information FORMCHECKBOX For Review & Advice …



2/12/2021 UHC2030 Steering Committee 3-4 February 2021 Welcome + Introductions “Where we’ve come from, where we’re headed” 1 2/12/2021 Agenda Wednesday 14001430 Welcome + introductions; Where…


UHC2030 Steering Committee 9th Session – 14-15 September 2021 Videoconference (Zoom) Provisional Agenda Objective Build momentum around a UHC2030 “push” on health systems strengthening for…


UHC2030 Steering Committee 9th Session – 14 & 15 September 2021 Videoconference (Zoom) Draft Note for the Record For Information FORMCHECKBOX For Review & Advice FORMCHECKBOX …


UHC2030 Steering Committee 9th Session – 14-15 September 2021 Videoconference (Zoom) Progress Update For Information FORMCHECKBOX For Review & Advice FORMCHECKBOX For Approval …


UHC2030 Steering Committee 9th Session – 14 & 15 September 2021 Videoconference (Zoom) UHC2030 Steering Committee 9th Session – 14 & 15 September 2021 V Videoconference (Zoom) …


UHC2030 Steering Committee 9th Session – 14 & 15 September 2021 Videoconference (Zoom) UHC2030 Steering Committee 9th Session – 14 & 15 September 2021 Videoconference (Zoom) …



UHC2030/SC9/2021/07.Rev1 UHC2030 STEERING COMMITTEE 9th Session – 14 & 15 September 2021 Videoconference (Zoom) Options Paper UHC2030’s Support to Parliamentarian Initiatives on UHC For…


June 2020 Steering Committee background document: Progress update, and plans to promote ‘health systems that protect everyone’ This document provides background information on UHC2030 progress in…


UHC2030 Steering Committee meeting, 29 June 2020 Objectives Agree UHC2030 vision, plans and follow-up actions for “health systems that protect everyone”, including enhanced focus on common goods for…