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5083 results:


UHC2030 Steering Committee meeting, 29 June 2020 Objectives Agree UHC2030 vision, plans and follow-up actions for “health systems that protect everyone”, including enhanced focus on common goods for…


Draft Note for the Record - Summary This Steering Committee (SC) meeting focused on how UHC2030, following its successful and highly-valued contributions to the UNGA High Level Meeting on UHC, will…


UHC2030 Resource Mobilization – Immediate pLan and opportunities 29 June 2020 7 th UHC203 Steering Committee Meeting Gang Sun on behalf of the RM Subgroup Kyoko Odaka (Japan), Kate Dodson (UN…



2030 Discussion Paper Published on 27 May 2020 International Health Partnership Living with COVID-19: Time to get our act together on health emergencies and UHC • COVID-19 again raises an…



UHC Movement Political Advisory Panel Terms of Reference Purpose: • • The UHC Movement Political Advisory Panel (The Political Panel) provides guidance to the UHC2030 Steering Committee to…


UHC2030 Steering Committee 8th Session – 3-4 February 2021 Videoconference (zoom) Provisional Agenda Objectives Agree UHC2030 2021 priorities Outline aims and contributions towards 2023…


UHC2030 Steering Committee 8th Session – 3 & 4 February 2021 Videoconference (Zoom) Draft Note for the Record For Information FORMCHECKBOX For Review & Advice FORMCHECKBOX …


UHC2030 Steering Committee 8th Session – 3-4 February 2021 Videoconference (Zoom) Progress Update For Information FORMCHECKBOX For Review & Advice FORMCHECKBOX For Approval …



UHC2030/SC8/2021/05. Rev2 UHC2030 STEERING COMMITTEE 8th Session – 3 & 4 February 2021 Videoconference (Zoom) Workplan and Budget 2021 For Information For Review & Advice For Approval …



UHC2030/SC8/2021/05. Rev2 UHC2030 STEERING COMMITTEE 8th Session – 3 & 4 February 2021 Videoconference (Zoom) Workplan and Budget 2021 For Information For Review & Advice For Approval …