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5083 results:

UN HLM 2023 FAQs

Click on the headings below to find answers to the most commonly asked questions leading up to the 2023 UN HLM on UHC. A United Nations (UN) High-Level Meeting (HLM) is convened by the UN…

UN HLM 2023 Our Contribution

UHC2030 is the global movement to build stronger health systems for universal health coverage (UHC). Ahead of the UN High-level Meeting (HLM) on UHC 2023, UHC2030 played the following roles in…

About us

Our mission Our mission is to accelerate sustainable progress towards universal health coverage (UHC), focusing on building equitable and resilient health systems that leave no one behind and that…

Parliamentarian engagement

Parliamentarians have a big role to make universal health coverage a reality through the responsibilities they exercise in terms of legislation, budget allocation, oversight, representation and…

Country profiles

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Private sector governance and members

The UHC2030 Private-Sector Constituency (UHC2030 PSC) is the convening platform for private sector entities wishing to exchange and collaborate on universal health coverage. The constituency…

Civil society engagement

About the UHC2030 civil society engagement mechanism The pursuit of UHC must involve civil society to ensure no one is left behind. We encourage all civil society advocates to integrate UHC advocacy…

How to become a private sector constituent

Join us as a private sector entity Who can join the private sector group at UHC2030? Is your private sector entity interested in joining UHC2030 and engaging with other health stakeholders to…

The Coalition of Partnerships for UHC and Global Health

UHC Leaves No One Behind - Let’s work together towards good health and well-being for all. In September 2019, at the United Nations High-Level Meeting (UN HLM) “Universal Health Coverage: Moving…

Chapter 1: General guidelines and resources for users and facilitators

Find more details about the aims of the toolkit, the principles behind it and who will find it useful:  Download: Introduction Find more details about the use and purpose of this…