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5083 results:



Health budget literacy, advocacy and accountability for universal health coverage Toolkit for capacity-building D1. Key budget documents and their content A capacity to be developed for budget…


D2. Where to find budget documents According to international best practice in terms of budget transparency and access to information, all countries should produce and publish the eight key budget…



Health budget literacy, advocacy and accountability for universal health coverage Toolkit for capacity-building D2. Where to find budget documents According to international best practice in terms…


D3. Budget information relevant for UHC and where to find it The health budget is part of the overall public budget. Information on the health budget, including that relevant for UHC, can be found…



Health budget literacy, advocacy and accountability for universal health coverage Toolkit for capacity-building D3. Budget information relevant for UHC and where to find it The health budget is part…


B1. Political economy approach: a conceptual framework for the politics of public budgeting What do we mean by the “political economy of public finance”, and why does it matter? In simple terms,…



Health budget literacy, advocacy and accountability for universal health coverage Toolkit for capacity-building Tool: WHO handbook for strategizing health in the 21st century for designing public…


Tool: WHO handbook for strategizing health in the 21st century for designing public policies for universal health coveragePurpose of the tool: WHO provides several tools to support countries in…


Tool: The WHO health financing progress matrixThe health financing progress matrix (47), developed by the WHO Department of Health Systems Governance and Financing, allows assessment of national…



Health budget literacy, advocacy and accountability for universal health coverage Toolkit for capacity-building Tool: The WHO health financing progress matrix The health financing progress matrix…