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Save the Date: UHC Forum 2017 Date : December 13 and 14, 2017 Venue : Tokyo Prince Hotel, Tokyo, Japan (side events will be organized on December 12 and 15) OBJECTIVE To stimulate global and…



UHC Forum 2017 List of Official Side Events (as of 11 December 2017) Room Time Morning (8:00-9:00) AM Tue. Dec. (9:30-12:00) 12 Lunch (12:30-14:30) PM (15:00-17:30) Morning (8:00-9:00) AM Fri. Dec.…



Side event Room & Timeslot Room Time UHC Forum 2017 Side Events Update Page: Golden Cup…



UHC Forum 2017 List of Official Side Events (as of 1 December 2017) Side event Room & Timeslot Room Time UHC Forum 2017 Side Events Update Page:…



Save the date ! Thursday, December 17, 2020, 14 :00-15 :00 CET Sustaining lives and livelihoods: a decision framework for calibrating social and movement measures during the COVID-19 pandemic Public…



• 9 JULY 2020 INVITATION • 8:00 – 9:00 AM (EDT) Investing in Health: The key to building back better from COVID-19 and accelerating progress for universal health coverage and sustainable…

UHC Forum 2017 Official Side Events Dec 12 - 15 2017 (v 28 nov)


UHC Forum 2017 Official Side Events Dec 12 - 15 2017 (v 28 nov) UHC Forum 2017 List of Official Side Events (as of 27 November 2017) Side event Room & Timeslot Room Time UHC Forum 2017 Side Events…

UHC Forum 2017 Official Side Events December 29.11.2017


UHC Forum 2017 Official Side Events December 29.11.2017 UHC Forum 2017 List of Official Side Events (as of 28 November 2017) Side event Room & Timeslot Room Time UHC Forum 2017 Side Events Update…

UHC Forum 2017 Official Side Events 14 Nov 2017


UHC Forum 2017 Official Side Events 14 Nov 2017 List of UHC Forum 2017 Official Side Events and Other Events (as of 14 November 2017) Side event Room & Timeslot Room Time UHC Forum 2017 Side Events…