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POLICY NOTE First face-to-face meeting of the UHC2030 Working Group on Sustainability, Transition from Aid and Health System Strengthening Public financial management for universal health coverage…

All together – stronger health systems for UHC and health security

All together – stronger health systems for UHC and health security

All together – stronger health systems for UHC and health security Common goods for health as the foundation for UHC and health security. Now, more than ever, the global public health community must…

Public financial management for universal health coverage: why and how it matters

Public financial management for universal health coverage: why and how it matters

Public financial management for universal health coverage: why and how it matters UHC2030 launches policy note: ‘Public financial management for universal health coverage: why and how it matters’. At…

State of commitment to universal health coverage: synthesis, 2020

State of commitment to universal health coverage: synthesis, 2020

State of commitment to universal health coverage: synthesis, 2020 What is the state of commitment to universal health coverage (UHC) around the world? UHC2030 launches an important multi-stakeholder…

Events to mark UHC Day 2020

Events to mark UHC Day 2020 Here are a list of events organised by partners around UHC Day 2020. 12 December  On UHC Day, don’t forget to join the 24-hour #ProtectEveryone Virtual Rally,…

Ministerial meeting on universal health coverage

Ministerial meeting on universal health coverage

Ministerial meeting on universal health coverage One Year Commemoration of the High-Level Meeting on UHC: measuring progress, challenges and opportunities in the context of COVID-19. A year ago in…

Major Upgrade of the UHC Data Portal

Major Upgrade of the UHC Data Portal

Major Upgrade of the UHC Data Portal Find out what's new on the UHC Data Portal and use it to strengthen accountability. UHC2030 is upgrading its UHC Data Portal with a brand-new tool: the Country…

Open call from UHC2030 co-chairs to OECD/DAC ministers of development

Open call from UHC2030 co-chairs to OECD/DAC ministers of development

Open call from UHC2030 co-chairs to OECD/DAC ministers of development OECD/DAC High-Level Meeting on 9-10 November 2020. A call from UHC2030’s co-chairs: help countries to build health systems that…

Lives and livelihoods: a decision framework for social and movement measures during the COVID-19 pandemic

Lives and livelihoods: a decision framework for social and movement measures during the COVID-19 pandemic The World Health Organization (WHO) is developping a decision-making framework in…

All together – stronger health systems for UHC and health security

All together – stronger health systems for UHC and health security This session will explore how to strengthen health systems to manage future shocks, building on COVID-19 experience. Its key message…