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5071 results:

Theme of the UHC2030 campaign 2020

Theme of the UHC2030 campaign 2020 Each year on 12 December, the world celebrates the International Universal Health Coverage Day (UHC Day)

An open message from the UHC2030 Co-Chairs to the UNGA Ministerial Meeting on UHC

An open message from the UHC2030 Co-Chairs to the UNGA Ministerial Meeting on UHC

An open message from the UHC2030 Co-Chairs to the UNGA Ministerial Meeting on UHC A message from UHC2030 Co-Chairs - Professor llona Kickbusch and Dr Githinji Gitahi “COVID-19 has shown that…

Adjustments in health purchasing as part of the COVID-19 health response: results of a short survey and lessons for the future

Adjustments in health purchasing as part of the COVID-19 health response: results of a short survey and lessons for the future

Adjustments in health purchasing as part of the COVID-19 health response: results of a short survey and lessons for the future By Inke Mathauer, World Health Organization; Fahdi Dkhimi, World Health…

Experiences and insights on health policy and systems responses to COVID-19

Experiences and insights on health policy and systems responses to COVID-19

Experiences and insights on health policy and systems responses to COVID-19 The UHC2030 Related Initiatives are promoting important messages and learning on health systems and the COVID-19…

Twitter chat

Twitter chat

Twitter chat Join us on Twitter to share lessons and reflections on UHC in the time of COVID-19 Date: Tuesday 6 October Time: 15.00 – 16.00 CET The purpose of the Twitter chat is to engage all…

Ministerial Meeting on Universal Health Coverage

Ministerial Meeting on Universal Health Coverage 8 October 2020 8-9.30am EDT Ministerial Meeting on Universal Health Coverage One Year Commemoration of the High-Level Meeting on UHC: measuring…

Announcement - applications sought for new UHC2030 Co-Chairs

Announcement - applications sought for new UHC2030 Co-Chairs

Announcement - applications sought for new UHC2030 Co-Chairs The UHC2030 Secretariat is looking for new Co-Chairs for the UHC2030 Steering Committee. Are you interested? The UHC2030 Secretariat is…

For an equitable COVID-19 response, investments in civil society cannot wait

For an equitable COVID-19 response, investments in civil society cannot wait

For an equitable COVID-19 response, investments in civil society cannot wait By the UHC2030 Civil Society Engagement Mechanism Even as we continue to learn more about COVID-19 and its secondary…

UHC2030 social participation consultation results - Sept 2020


UHC2030 social participation consultation results - Sept 2020 September 2020 Moving together for UHC: listening to civil society on how to strengthen social participation in policy and…

UHC2030 social participation consultation results - Sept 2020


UHC2030 social participation consultation results - Sept 2020 September 2020 Moving together for UHC: listening to civil society on how to strengthen social participation in policy and…