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5131 results:

How to purchase health services during a pandemic? Purchasing priorities to support the COVID-19 response.

How to purchase health services during a pandemic? Purchasing priorities to support the COVID-19 response.

How to purchase health services during a pandemic? Purchasing priorities to support the COVID-19 response. By the Health Financing Team at WHO’s Headquarters and Regional Offices [1] French and…

Insights for health systems strengthening in the COVID-19 response

Insights for health systems strengthening in the COVID-19 response

Insights for health systems strengthening in the COVID-19 response UH2030 Related Initiatives share their insights, guidance and learning about country responses to COVID-19 in relation to stronger…

Domestic health financing for Covid-19 response in Africa

Domestic health financing for Covid-19 response in Africa

Domestic health financing for Covid-19 response in Africa By Juliet Nabyonga-Orem; Brendan Kwesiga; Diane Muhongerwa-Karenzi; Benjamin Nganda; Seydou Coulibaly; Alexis Bigeard; Prosper…



Face à la crise du COVID-19, les dirigeants mondiaux doivent impérativement être fidèles à leurs engagements en faveur de la couverture santé universelle 26 mars 2020 Partout dans le monde, la…



Face à la crise du COVID-19, les dirigeants mondiaux doivent impérativement être fidèles à leurs engagements en faveur de la couverture santé universelle 26 mars 2020 Partout dans le monde, la…



Face à la crise du COVID-19, les dirigeants mondiaux doivent impérativement être fidèles à leurs engagements en faveur de la couverture santé universelle 26 mars 2020 Partout dans le monde, la…



Faced by the COVID-19 crisis, it is crucial that world leaders remember their universal health coverage commitments 26th March 2020 Around the world, the COVID-19 pandemic is having a huge impact on…



Faced by the COVID-19 crisis, it is crucial that world leaders remember their universal health coverage commitments 26th March 2020 Around the world, the COVID-19 pandemic is having a huge impact on…



Faced by the COVID-19 crisis, it is crucial that world leaders remember their universal health coverage commitments 26th March 2020 Around the world, the COVID-19 pandemic is having a huge impact on…

Engaging with the private health delivery sector in the response to Covid19: a plan of action

Engaging with the private health delivery sector in the response to Covid19: a plan of action Draft interim guidance to help governments with their efforts to engage the private sector as part of a…