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All results Final Report (French only) Scorecard of results Powerpoint presentation (French only) Country discussion of results As part of the fifth round of IHP+ Results monitoring of…


Following important documents can be downloaded: The main guide for participants The data collection tools for government (quantitative tool, standard qualitative tool,…

JANS tool and guidelines

JANS tool and guidelines

Joint Assessment of National Health Strategies, or JANS, is a shared approach to assessing the strengths and weaknesses of a national health strategy or plan. Countries are using JANS for three…

Financial management assessment

Financial management assessment

Sound Financial Management (FM) is critical to ensure the best use is made of scarce resources and that funds for health services reach the communities that need them. Two key messages have emerged…

Technical working groups

Technical working groups

UHC2030 Technical Working Groups were time-limited and were made up of technical experts from partners and associated initiatives. A UHC2030 Technical Working Group was a multi-stakeholder and…


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Accessibility Statement UHC2030 strives to ensure that the content of this site is accessible to the greatest possible audience and number of device types. Below is the official accessibility…