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IHP+ Country Grants guidance_updatedAugust2013_final.pdf

IHP+ Country Grants guidance_updatedAugust2013_final.pdf

_____________________________________________________________________ IHP+ Country Grants Guidance Note - Updated August 2013 Background & Purpose The International Health Partnership (IHP+) seeks…

BRICS new development bank

BRICS new development bank The leaders of the five BRICS countries - Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa - signed an Agreement to establish a New Development Bank (NDB). The announcement…

Rebuilding the Afghan health system: the role of aid effectiveness

Rebuilding the Afghan health system: the role of aid effectiveness In a recent article, the Minister of Public Health (MOPH) of Afghanistan, together with some of the development partners, discusses…

The age of choice: how are developing countries managing the new aid landscape?

The age of choice: how are developing countries managing the new aid landscape? A book published by ODI; authors are Romilly Greenhill, Annalisa Prizzon, and Andrew Rogerson. March 2013. The report…

Improving the measurement of maternal mortality by strengthening civil registration and vital statistics systems

Improving the measurement of maternal mortality by strengthening civil registration and vital statistics systems Today the Maternal Mortality Estimation Inter-Agency Group (MMEIG) released a report…

Global Health Development Assistance Remained Steady In 2013 But Did Not Align With Recipients’ Disease Burden

Global Health Development Assistance Remained Steady In 2013 But Did Not Align With Recipients’ Disease Burden In this study, the authors track the flows of development assistance and explore the…

Universal health coverage: Measuring the path to progress

Universal health coverage: Measuring the path to progress The ongoing global initiative to expand universal health coverage (UHC), especially in low- and middle-income countries,... The ongoing…

Rwanda Pilots Innovative Financing Mechanism

Rwanda Pilots Innovative Financing Mechanism The Government of Rwanda and the Global Fund are taking the lead on an innovative approach to health financing that is expected to significantly…

In Myanmar, Setting a Goal for Universal Health Coverage

In Myanmar, Setting a Goal for Universal Health Coverage 2014 is already shaping up to be another exciting year for the global movement for universal health coverage (UHC). I wa... 2014 is already…

Ethiopia to donors: Trust our systems

Ethiopia to donors: Trust our systems Sufian Ahmed has been Ethiopia’s minister of finance and economic development for almost two decades, and during that time he has seen his country go from famine…