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… property regimes and global supply chains must work better to ensure equitable access to essential medicines and health products and technologies for UHC. The new pandemic instrument is an opportunity for…



… 2023 with quality essential health services and quality, safe, effective, affordable and essential medicines, vaccines, diagnostics and health technologies, with a view to cover all people by 2030; 67 Leave…

Supporting countries to get universal health coverage on track

Supporting countries to get universal health coverage on track

… plans and strategies, financial protection, governance, health information, evidence and research, medicines, health security and preparedness, noncommunicable diseases, essential health services, health…



… things that countries should be capable of funding from domestic resources, such as procurement of medicines and paying staff salaries. Therefore, what aid supports and how the funds are channelled needs to…

Health policies without evidence lead to mixed results in Asia

… in human resources to run primary and community health centres and ensure availability of essential medicines. Asian nations should ring-fence funding for health policy and systems research and to increase…

Mobilizing private sector contributions to resilient and equitable health systems - what will it take?

Mobilizing private sector contributions to resilient and equitable health systems - what will it take?

… health value chain such as service providers, health insurers, and manufacturers and distributors of medicines, health products and innovative technologies. To find out more: Private sector engagement -…

UN HLM UHC Multistakeholder hearing concept note March 2019


… shortages and maldistribution of qualified health workers, prohibitively expensive good quality medicines and medical products, low access to digital health and innovative technologies, among others. Each…



… systems, increasing the health workforce, strengthening supply chains for vaccines and essential medicines, increasing partnerships for research and development, promoting innovation in health tools,…

Good governance and multisector action for universal health coverage

Good governance and multisector action for universal health coverage

… Director General, IFPMA, referred to the responsibility of the private sector in making affordable medicines more accessible. This requires effective policies, financing mechanisms and institutional…



… United States of America Email: 1 Dr Gilles FORTE Coordinator Essential Medicines and Health Products World Health Organization Switzerland Email: Ms Ariane…