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91 results:

UNGA79 Side event: Financial Protection: the key to unlocking universal health coverage and ensuring equitable access for all

UNGA79 Side event: Financial Protection: the key to unlocking universal health coverage and ensuring equitable access for all

UNGA79 Side event: Financial Protection: the key to unlocking universal health coverage and ensuring equitable access for all The 5th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of Friends of Universal…

2024 UHC Day Virtual letter-writing workshop for youth

2024 UHC Day Virtual letter-writing workshop for youth

2024 UHC Day Virtual letter-writing workshop for youth A practical letter-writing workshop for youth SDG and UHC advocates As part of the 2024 UHC Day Campaign, UHC2030, CSEM and the International…

UHC Day 2024 Campaign Launch

UHC Day 2024 Campaign Launch

UHC Day 2024 Campaign Launch Join us for the official launch of the 2024 UHC Day campaign! Over the last 20 years, financial protection has progressively deteriorated, with 2 billion people…

2024 UHC Day Campaign Virtual Letter Writing Workshop

2024 UHC Day Campaign Virtual Letter Writing Workshop

2024 UHC Day Campaign Virtual Letter Writing Workshop Before the launch of the 2024 UHC Day campaign, UHC2030, CSEM and the International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA), with the…

77th World Health Assembly (WHA)

77th World Health Assembly (WHA)

77th World Health Assembly (WHA) Highlights for this year's #WHA77, which is taking place in Geneva, Switzerland from 27 May through 1 June 2024. Every year, WHO Member States come together to agree…

Countdown to the UN High-Level Meeting on UHC

Countdown to the UN High-Level Meeting on UHC With millions of lives on the line, the time for action is now. This #UHCHLM, we need urgent action to achieve #HealthForAll by 2023. Join the campaign…

Briefing Session 3: Get ready for the 2023 multi-stakeholder hearing on health (final preparation)

Briefing Session 3: Get ready for the 2023 multi-stakeholder hearing on health (final preparation) The Coalition of Partnerships for UHC and Global Health held a third briefing session on April 24,…

Eleventh UHC2030 Steering Committee Meeting

Eleventh UHC2030 Steering Committee Meeting 17-18 October UHC2030 Steering Committee Meeting held at the World Health Summit in Berlin Agenda   Note for the record: SC meeting of 8 & 10…

UN High-level meeting on UHC

UN High-level meeting on UHC The 2023 UN High-level meeting on universal health coverage (UHC) provides countries and all stakeholders an opportunity to reinvigorate progress towards delivering…

World Health Assembly 2023

World Health Assembly 2023 The Seventy-sixth World Health Assembly will take place from 21 to 30 May 2023 in Geneva, Switzerland. This year's theme is: WHO at 75: Saving lives, driving health for…