1 Ensure political leadership beyond health Fractal Isabelle Wachsmuth, Painter 36”x36” 4 Uphold quality of care Spritual Dimension Isabelle Wachsmuth, Painter 36”x36” 2 Leave no one behind …
1 Ensure political leadership beyond health Fractal Isabelle Wachsmuth, Painter 36”x36” 4 Uphold quality of care Spritual Dimension Isabelle Wachsmuth, Painter 36”x36” 2 Leave no one behind …
Lead Artists: Isabelle Wachsmuth and Brian Alfajiri Artists from NY: Adina Yoon, Kristin “ANJL” Doeblin, Brianna McCord Art f UHC Movement AND Shanice Figeroux As part of the UN High-Level…
1 Ensure political leadership beyond health Peru Health is the foundation for people, communities and economies to reach their full potential. UHC is primarily the responsibility of governments…
1 Ensure political leadership beyond health Poetry by Brian Alfajiri Its FORCE lies not in the width or height of its stem, but rather the intertwining of the roots from one tree to its neighbour.…
Lead Artists: Isabelle Wachsmuth and Brian Alfajiri Artists from NY: Adina Yoon, Kristin “ANJL” Doeblin, Brianna McCord Art f UHC Movement AND Shanice Figeroux As part of the UN High-Level…
1 Ensure political leadership beyond health Peru Health is the foundation for people, communities and economies to reach their full potential. UHC is primarily the responsibility of governments…
1 Ensure political leadership beyond health Poetry by Brian Alfajiri Its FORCE lies not in the width or height of its stem, but rather the intertwining of the roots from one tree to its neighbour.…
Key Asks from the UHC Movement Everyone, everywhere should have access to quality and affordable health services We call on political leaders to legislate, invest and collaborate with all of society…