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5083 results:

Health systems for universal health coverage: a joint vision for healthy lives

UHC2030 provides a platform to convene and build connections through joint high-level events and gatherings and contributes advocacy, tools, guidance, knowledge and learning. This supports all…

Parliamentarian guide

Parliamentarian Guide - 6 action steps to achieve UHC UHC is an urgent priority to end the current global health crisis and build a safer, healthier future for everyone. In September 2019, at…

The Coalition Principal Group

Dr Magda Robalo, Co-Chair, UHC2030 Steering Committee Dr Magda Robalo is the President and co-founder of The Institute for Global Health and Development. She is an infectious disease…

Core publications

Core publications

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About UHC2030

2023 UHC HLM highlights
Health is a human right
Health for all is possible
The Action…

Governance documents

Governance documents

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Coordination tools

Coordination tools

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Advocacy tools

Advocacy tools

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