UHC2030 and Civil Society Engagement mechanism (CSEM) A key partnership to strengthen health system and make equitable and sustainable progress towards Universal Health Coverage What is UHC2030 1…
Terms of Reference IHP+ Financial Management Technical Working Group Background Progress was made on financial management harmonization and alignment under IHP+. Under the auspices of the financial…
SECOND PROGRESS REPORT OF THE IHP+ FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP (MAY 2016) Introduction and Background This note provides progress update on the work of the IHP+ Financial Management…
NINTH IHP+ FM TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP MEETING MEETING MINUTES, NOVEMBER 19, 2016 Attendance: Mekdim Enkossa, Ethiopia; Sorie Kamara, Sierra Leone; Mona Khurdok, UNFPA Adda Faye, GF; Patrick Rudolph;…
IHP+ FM TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP MEETING MEETING MINUTES, MAY 16, 2016 Attendance: Sorie Kamara, Sierra Leone; Adda Faye, GF; Pamela Rao, USAID; Rosemary Owino, GAVI; Ndèye Maye Diouf, Senegal, Renaud…
UHC2030 at the World Health Assembly New partners sign the global compact and we launch our joint vision paper. The energy and enthusiasm in the room for the movement to build stronger health systems…
UHC2030 at the World Health Assembly WHA events in Geneva, May 2017 UHC2030 partners and associate networks will organise various side events on UHC during the 70th World Health Assembly (WHA)…
2030 Partenariat international de la santé Pacte mondial pour progresser vers une couverture sanitaire universelle Le présent pacte mondial exprime notre ferme soutien aux cibles des objectifs de…
2030 International Health Partnership Global compact for progress towards universal health coverage This global compact reflects our firm support for the aims of the Sustainable Development Goals…