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5131 results:



Review of Multi-Disciplinary Evidence on and Health Systems Strengthening and Coordination in Countries under Stress Methodological Inception Report Sara Van Belle & ITM Review Team 2 …



Review of Multi-Disciplinary Evidence on and Health Systems Strengthening and Coordination in Countries under Stress Methodological Inception Report Sara Van Belle & ITM Review Team 2 …

Health Systems Governance Collaborative

Health Systems Governance Collaborative

Health Systems Governance Collaborative What is this new collaborative all about? The Health Systems Governance Collaborative was born out of the urgent need for collective action in the field of…



Note for the Record UHC2030 Working Group on Support to Countries with Fragile or Challenging Operating Environment Audio conference 7th July 2017 14:00–15:00 CET Participants: USAID: Amelia Peltz…



Note for the Record UHC2030 Working Group on Support to Countries with Fragile or Challenging Operating Environment Audio conference 7th July 2017 14:00–15:00 CET Participants: USAID: Amelia Peltz…



Note for the Record UHC2030 Working Group on Support to Countries with Fragile or Challenging Operating Environment Audio conference 7th July 2017 14:00–15:00 CET Participants: USAID: Amelia Peltz…

Financing transformative health systems towards achievement of the health Sustainable Development Goals: a model for projected resource needs in 67 low-income and middle-income countries

Financing transformative health systems towards achievement of the health Sustainable Development Goals: a model for projected resource needs in 67 low-income and middle-income countries The Lancet…

Should we entrust strategic purchasing to autonomous entities?

Should we entrust strategic purchasing to autonomous entities? Financing Health in Africa Blog by Isidore Sieleunou & Bruno Meessen On 25-27 April, WHO Geneva organized a global…

All roads lead to universal health coverage

All roads lead to universal health coverage Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of WHO All roads lead to universal health coverage—and this is our top priority at WHO. For me, the key…

Note for the Record 7th IHP+ Steering Committee Meeting June 2016


Note for the Record 7th IHP+ Steering Committee Meeting June 2016 _____________________________________________________________________________________ th 7 IHP+ Steering Committee Meeting Tuesday,…