Save the date ! Thursday, December 17, 2020, 14 :00-15 :00 CET Sustaining lives and livelihoods: a decision framework for calibrating social and movement measures during the COVID-19 pandemic Public…
• 9 JULY 2020 INVITATION • 8:00 – 9:00 AM (EDT) Investing in Health: The key to building back better from COVID-19 and accelerating progress for universal health coverage and sustainable…
UHC Forum 2017 List of Official Side Events (as of 6 December 2017) Room Time Morning (8:00-9:00) AM Tue. Dec. (9:30-12:00) 12 Lunch (12:30-14:30) PM (15:00-17:30) Morning (8:00-9:00) AM Fri. Dec.…
Voice, agency, empowerment? How do we ensure that people’s experiences are considered in health policies? Let‘s make social participation work. Mark your calendar EVENT SOCIAL…
Sages-femmes et personnels infirmiers vers la Couverture Santé Universelle : Les femmes garantes de l’accès aux soins au temps de la COVID-19 Date: Vendredi 11 décembre, 15h30-17h30 CET…
Midwives and nurses on the way to universal health coverage: the critical role of women to guarantee access to services during COVID-19 times Save the date: Friday 11th December, 15.30-17.30 CET…
REGISTER HERE PROGRAM FORTHCOMING HERE From Page to Action: Accountability for the Furthest Left Behind in COVID-19 & Beyond Launch of the 2020 Report of the UNSG’s Independent Accountability Panel…
SAVE THE DATE • 9 JULY 2020 • 8:00 – 9:00 AM (EDT) Investing in Health: The key to building back better from COVID-19 and accelerating progress for universal health coverage and sustainable…
Ministerial Meeting on Universal Health Coverage One Year Commemoration of the High-Level Meeting on UHC Measuring Progress, Challenges and Opportunities in the Context of COVID-19 Please join us…