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266 results:

A critical opportunity to prioritise investment in universal health coverage as essential for successful pandemic prevention, preparedness and response

A critical opportunity to prioritise investment in universal health coverage as essential for successful pandemic prevention, preparedness and response

… as well as sufficient and sustainable funding.“ Ensuring this alignment also with the upcoming 2023 High-level meeting on UHC is of critical importance. Ahead of INB3, we call on Member States to seize…

Supporting countries to get universal health coverage on track

Supporting countries to get universal health coverage on track

… to seize the moment ahead of the United Nations high-level meeting (UN HLM) on UHC in September 2023. To support this wider effort, here are some lessons of how UHC2030’s Health Related Initiatives, a…



…ic action on gender equality Immediate plans (State of UHC Commitment, UHC Day) + a shared agenda for “now to 2023” Expected outcomes SC agrees “shared health systems narrative” + how we set the agenda (UHC Day 2021,…



… in this regard re-emphasize our resolve: (a) To progressively cover 1 billion additional people by 2023 with quality essential health services and quality, safe, effective, affordable and essential medicines,…

Accelerating progress towards the health-related SDGs: a look at VNR lab on SDG3

Accelerating progress towards the health-related SDGs: a look at VNR lab on SDG3

… and to link country commitments to clear strategies to achieve UHC. The next steps for 2022–2023 was also outlined. Video Presentation Civil Society Perspectives on Reaching UHC: Civil…



… health threat. Key Asks for the Poli6cal Declara6on on An6microbial Resistance 1. Reaffirm the 2019 and 2023 PoliOcal DeclaraOon of the on high-level meeOngs on UHC and build on commitments to leverage UHC as part…



… qui sont ancrés dans les #systèmesdesanté de chaque pays. #UHCHLM #LaSantéPourTous Messages de base En 2023, les dirigeants mondiaux ont une occasion unique de redynamiser les progrès vers #LaSantéPourTous. La…

How health systems strengthening related initiatives contribute to progress towards UHC

How health systems strengthening related initiatives contribute to progress towards UHC

… on UHC to engage policy-makers and hold leaders accountable for their UHC commitments. In September 2023, at the United Nations General Assembly high-level meeting on universal health coverage (UHC), political…



… qui sont ancrés dans les systèmes desanté de chaque pays. #UHCHLM #LaSantéPourTous Messages de base En 2023, les dirigeants mondiaux ont une occasion unique de redynamiser les progrès vers #LaSantéPourTous. La…

The Coalition of Partnerships for UHC and Global Health

… mechanisms, to identify gaps and solutions and to scale up efforts on health-related SDGs by 2023 and beyond. Our principles People-centred: A holistic, people-centred approach that prioritizes…