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25 results:

How health systems strengthening related initiatives contribute to progress towards UHC

How health systems strengthening related initiatives contribute to progress towards UHC

…UHC2030’s Health systems strengthening related initiatives are fortifying the global movement for UHC and capitalizing…

Putting communities at the heart of health systems strengthening to achieve UHC

Putting communities at the heart of health systems strengthening to achieve UHC

…The UHC2030 Health Systems Strengthening Related Initiatives calls on governments and partners to reorient health…

Data for UHC: a priority investment during COVID-19 and beyond

Data for UHC: a priority investment during COVID-19 and beyond

… this blog the Health Data Collaborative, a UHC2030 Related Initiative, proposes three specific issues for…

COVID-19 and the health workforce: Six lessons

COVID-19 and the health workforce: Six lessons

… to both the risk of infection and increased stress related to potential risks to themselves and to their…

A public health professional’s story of UHC progress and challenges in Nigeria

A public health professional’s story of UHC progress and challenges in Nigeria

… to the last mile. Although several efforts and initiatives have been put forth by the Nigerian Government…

Keeping up in Kenya: Maintaining Essential Health Services in Crisis and Calm

Keeping up in Kenya: Maintaining Essential Health Services in Crisis and Calm

… Labs and Results for Development. As a UHC2030 Related Initiative, PHCPI is dedicated to transforming the…

International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife: celebrating and investing in front line health workers, in this year of all years

International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife: celebrating and investing in front line health workers, in this year of all years

… blog series from the UHC2030 Health Systems Related Initiatives. The UHC2030 Related Initiatives

Building the reset: moving forward from COVID-19

Building the reset: moving forward from COVID-19

… blog series from the UHC2030 Health Systems Related Initiatives. The UHC2030 Related Initiatives

All hands on deck – mobilizing private sector contribution to accelerate progress towards universal health coverage

All hands on deck – mobilizing private sector contribution to accelerate progress towards universal health coverage

… achieving UHC, which is at the heart of the health-related SDG 3. Progress is lagging and many health…

Adjustments in health purchasing as part of the COVID-19 health response: results of a short survey and lessons for the future

Adjustments in health purchasing as part of the COVID-19 health response: results of a short survey and lessons for the future

… themes were investigated to cover core aspects related to purchasing: Purchasers’ strategies to cope…