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30 results:

UHC-related events at Prince Mahidol Award Conference (PMAC)

…UHC-related events at Prince Mahidol Award Conference (PMAC) UHC2030 and partners' side-events taking place at PMAC…

UHC-related events around the World Health Assembly 2020

…Here are some UHC and health systems related events happening soon...

Mobilising development cooperation for the health-related SDGs – renewed momentum for the effectiveness agenda

Mobilising development cooperation for the health-related SDGs – renewed momentum for the effectiveness agenda

…Mobilising development cooperation for the health-related SDGs – renewed momentum for the effectiveness agenda Side…

UHC2030 at the Fifth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research, Liverpool, UK

UHC2030 at the Fifth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research, Liverpool, UK

…UHC2030 and our Related Initiatives are organising several sessions at HSR18 in Liverpool, UK

Events on UHC at the World Health Assembly 2018

Events on UHC at the World Health Assembly 2018

… coverage at the WHA 2018? UHC2030 partners and related initiatives will organise various official and…

Innovations for Universal Health Coverage 2018

Innovations for Universal Health Coverage 2018

…Health Systems Global - a UHC2030 Related Initiative - are holding an event in association with other partners.

All together – stronger health systems for UHC and health security

… is jointly presented by UHC2030 and the “UHC2030 related initiatives” group of health systems networks and…

UHC leaves no one behind: working together towards good health and wellbeing for all

UHC leaves no one behind: working together towards good health and wellbeing for all

… and harmonisation across health-related SDG goals and targetso Initiate a discussion on how…

How to strengthen health systems for UHC and equitable access to Covid19 tools:

How to strengthen health systems for UHC and equitable access to Covid19 tools:

…Eight lessons from the UHC2030 Related Initiatives

Briefing Session 1: Get ready for the 2023 multi-stakeholder hearing on health (logistics & process)

Briefing Session 1: Get ready for the 2023 multi-stakeholder hearing on health (logistics & process)

… of the multi-stakeholder hearing for the health-related United Nation High-Level Meetings (UN HLM).