…Mobilising development cooperation for the health-related SDGs – renewed momentum for the effectiveness agenda Side Event during the UHC Financing Forum 2018, Washington D.C. 18 April 2018, 12:30-14:00 (1.5h) National…
…The Coalition of Partnerships for UHC and Global Health first briefing session held on March 2, 2023, ahead of the multi-stakeholder hearing for the health-related United Nation High-Level Meetings (UN HLM).
…The Coalition of Partnerships for UHC and Global Health held a second briefing session on March 30, 2023, ahead of the multi-stakeholder hearing for the health-related United Nations High-Level Meetings (UN HLM).
…The Coalition of Partnerships for UHC and Global Health held a third briefing session on April 24, 2023 ahead of the multi-stakeholder hearing for the health-related United Nations High-Level Meetings (UN HLM)
…The recent UCLG Special Session on Health served as a perspective-sharing platform for both UHC2030 and local/regional governments to raise political awareness on universal health coverage ahead of the UN High-Level…
…Stakeholder voices on the Tracking Universal Health Coverage 2017 Global Monitoring Report Multi-stakeholder review of progress. At least half of the world’s population remains without access to quality essential health…
… All countries face several critical pressures on their health systems. Some of these are particularly salient for countries that are currently or will soon be ‘transitioning’ to much lower levels of external financial…
…For the past decade, the health care industry has been debating the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) and digital tools to transform the delivery of health services.
…Faced by the COVID-19 crisis, it is crucial that world leaders remember their universal health coverage commitments UHC2030 Co-Chairs’ statement on COVID-19 and UHC Around the world, the COVID-19 pandemic is having a…