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243 results:

Strong support for UHC 2030 at TICAD

Strong support for UHC 2030 at TICAD

Strong support for UHC 2030 at TICAD Communique supports work to strengthen health systems and UHC. Support for the International Health Partnership for UHC 2030 is growing throughout Africa and…

UHC2030 Consultation meeting - June 2016

UHC2030 Consultation meeting - June 2016

UHC2030 Consultation meeting - June 2016 A multi-stakeholder gathering to move the agenda forward. The 'IHP for UHC 2030' multi-stakeholder consultation took place on 22-23 June. Following unanimous…

Global leaders line up behind UHC and UHC 2030

Global leaders line up behind UHC and UHC 2030

Global leaders line up behind UHC and UHC 2030 G7 declaration 2016 Global leaders line up behind universal health coverage (UHC) and UHC 2030, bringing hope of better health and protection for the…