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2154 results:

About us

Our mission Our mission is to accelerate sustainable progress towards universal health coverage (UHC), focusing on building equitable and resilient health systems that leave no one behind and that…

Parliamentarian engagement

Parliamentarians have a big role to make universal health coverage a reality through the responsibilities they exercise in terms of legislation, budget allocation, oversight, representation and…

Country profiles

To print a country profile, please select the specific country and then click the print button below. Please refer to the tutorial for guidance.

Private sector form

Before you begin We estimate this form will take around 30 minutes to complete. Please ensure you have downloaded, completed and scanned the Tobacco and Arms Disclosure Statement, as…

2023 Newsletters

Subscribe Current issue December 2023 Newsletter: Thank you and happy holidays from UHC2030! December 2023 Newsflash: UHC Day is in 5 days! September 2023 Newsletter: Summary of the UHC HLM…

Partner Data Portal

United Nations Global SDG Database (United Nations Statistics Division) Purpose: The platform to disseminate the Global SDG Indicators data sets. This database provides access to data compiled…

UN HLM 2019 Events and Milestones

Past informal briefing and multi-stakeholder consultations for UHC Key Asks Date & Time Focus Group Opportunity Place 23-January-10-March All Partners Online UN HLM Campaign Page 23 January,…

Co-Chair statement to the G7

Co-Chair statement to the G7

Co-Chair statement to the G7 UHC2030 Co-chair statement calling for G7 members to take ambitious action on universal health coverage As Italy is taking over the G7 Presidency this month, we…

The Coalition of Partnerships Comment in the Lancet Global Health

The Coalition of Partnerships Comment in the Lancet Global Health

The Coalition of Partnerships Comment in the Lancet Global Health The Coalition of Partnerships urges governments to position health at the core of the Summit of the Future's agenda Universal health…