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54 results:

Putting mental health firmly into UHC efforts is critical to the success of UHC, and will reap benefits far beyond the health sector

Putting mental health firmly into UHC efforts is critical to the success of UHC, and will reap benefits far beyond the health sector

Putting mental health firmly into UHC efforts is critical to the success of UHC, and will reap benefits far beyond the health sector By Dr. Githinji Gitahi, Global Chief Executive Officer for Amref…

Adjustments in health purchasing as part of the COVID-19 health response: results of a short survey and lessons for the future

Adjustments in health purchasing as part of the COVID-19 health response: results of a short survey and lessons for the future

Adjustments in health purchasing as part of the COVID-19 health response: results of a short survey and lessons for the future By Inke Mathauer, World Health Organization; Fahdi Dkhimi, World Health…

For an equitable COVID-19 response, investments in civil society cannot wait

For an equitable COVID-19 response, investments in civil society cannot wait

For an equitable COVID-19 response, investments in civil society cannot wait By the UHC2030 Civil Society Engagement Mechanism Even as we continue to learn more about COVID-19 and its secondary…

Towards improved Civil Registration and Vital Statistics systems during public health emergencies: Reflections from Africa CRVS week

Towards improved Civil Registration and Vital Statistics systems during public health emergencies: Reflections from Africa CRVS week

Towards improved Civil Registration and Vital Statistics systems during public health emergencies: Reflections from Africa CRVS week By Regina Titi-Ofei 1, Hillary Kipruto 2, Aminata Binetou-Wahebine…

Data for UHC: a priority investment during COVID-19 and beyond

Data for UHC: a priority investment during COVID-19 and beyond

Data for UHC: a priority investment during COVID-19 and beyond A blog from the Health Data Collaborative Health systems require health care data in order to effectively and accountably meet the needs…

Beyond COVID-19 (coronavirus): What will be the new normal for health systems and universal health coverage?

Beyond COVID-19 (coronavirus): What will be the new normal for health systems and universal health coverage?

Beyond COVID-19 (coronavirus): What will be the new normal for health systems and universal health coverage? By Agnes Soucat, World Health Organization; Francesca Colombo, Organisation for Economic…

An effective response to COVID-19 is an inclusive response: the case of Uganda

An effective response to COVID-19 is an inclusive response: the case of Uganda

An effective response to COVID-19 is an inclusive response: the case of Uganda By Robinah Kaitiritimba, Executive Director of Uganda National Health Consumers’ Organisation (UNHCO) and member of the…

How COVID-19 is reshaping priorities for both domestic resources and development assistance in the health sector

How COVID-19 is reshaping priorities for both domestic resources and development assistance in the health sector

How COVID-19 is reshaping priorities for both domestic resources and development assistance in the health sector This is a joint blog written on behalf of the UHC 2030 Core Team, as well as the…

Access and innovation: two issues for the private sector’s response to COVID-19

Access and innovation: two issues for the private sector’s response to COVID-19

Access and innovation: two issues for the private sector’s response to COVID-19 Blog by World Economic Forum, on behalf of the UHC2030 Private sector constituency The rapid spread and wide-ranging…

Sound the alarm: people left behind in decision-making on COVID-19

Sound the alarm: people left behind in decision-making on COVID-19

Sound the alarm: people left behind in decision-making on COVID-19 By UHC2030 colleagues. As COVID-19 infiltrates the physical, mental, social, economic and geographical landscapes we all inhabit,…