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1769 results:

Cities and local governments take action for health

Cities and local governments take action for health

… governments in the world, as the newest partner to…

Ministerial meeting on universal health coverage

Ministerial meeting on universal health coverage

… ago in September 2019, world leaders came together to…

A look at UHC Day 2023 – Health for all: Time for action

A look at UHC Day 2023 – Health for all: Time for action

… tangible steps to make health for all a reality

An important step towards universal health coverage

An important step towards universal health coverage

… systems in the entire world, and it has demonstrated the…

Health for all: countries walking the talk

Health for all: countries walking the talk

… Ceremony: event at World Health Assembly 71, Geneva,…

State of commitment to universal health coverage: synthesis, 2020

State of commitment to universal health coverage: synthesis, 2020

… coverage (UHC) around the world? UHC2030 launches an…

Universal health coverage: an affordable dream?

Universal health coverage: an affordable dream?

… UHC Coalition, the World Bank Group and the World

Universal health coverage: an affordable dream?

Universal health coverage: an affordable dream?

… UHC Coalition, the World Bank Group and the World

Chapter 2: Core content for understanding UHC and public budgets for health

… transparency around the world Download: E3. Freedom of…

Insights for health systems strengthening in the COVID-19 response

Insights for health systems strengthening in the COVID-19 response

… in relation to stronger health systems.