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1769 results:

No time to lose: Seize the renewal moment for the health-related SDGs

No time to lose: Seize the renewal moment for the health-related SDGs

… Advisory Panel This year’s World Health Assembly comes at a…

Leveraging universal health coverage to leave no one behind in tackling AMR

Leveraging universal health coverage to leave no one behind in tackling AMR

… than 1 billion people worldwide visit health-care…

Yemen: a multi-stakeholder approach to rebuilding the health system

Yemen: a multi-stakeholder approach to rebuilding the health system

…Applying a Health Systems Assessment in a fragile setting.

Health Policy Plan.-2012-Peters-heapol_czs128.pdf

Health Policy Plan.-2012-Peters-heapol_czs128.pdf

… MD 21205, USA and 2The World Bank, 1818 H. St NW,…

Towards one strong national data system for health in Tanzania and Kenya

Towards one strong national data system for health in Tanzania and Kenya

Health Data Collaborative: working for one strong national system…

UHC2030 meeting: working together to strengthen health systems

UHC2030 meeting: working together to strengthen health systems

… from the meeting. World Bank: Realizing the…