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1778 results:

Empowering civil society and communities to have a say on public spending on health

Empowering civil society and communities to have a say on public spending on health

… society engagement in health financing advocacy and…

Public financial management for universal health coverage: why and how it matters

Public financial management for universal health coverage: why and how it matters

… management for universal health coverage: why and how it…

Health Data Collaborative Progress Report 2016-2017

Health Data Collaborative Progress Report 2016-2017

Health Data Collaborative Progress Report 2016-2017 Highlights,…

High-Level Commission on Health Employment and Economic Growth

High-Level Commission on Health Employment and Economic Growth

…High-Level Commission on Health Employment and Economic…

New incentives needed to encourage health research and development for developing countries

… are needed to encourage health research specifically for…

IPU Health Advisory Group calls for parliamentary action in response to pandemic

…IPU Health Advisory Group calls for parliamentary action in response…

How can we build gender-responsive health systems? Participate in the online consultation

How can we build gender-responsive health systems? Participate in the online consultation

…How can we build gender-responsive health systems? Participate in the…

UHC2030 and PMNCH launch new toolkit to support health budget literacy

UHC2030 and PMNCH launch new toolkit to support health budget literacy

… public financing for health in the context of UHC

Ethiopia’s Community-Based Social Accountability Groups for quality health services

Ethiopia’s Community-Based Social Accountability Groups for quality health services

…As part of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) commitment monitoring, we…