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5131 results:

Universal health coverage: A link not to be missed in pandemic prevention, preparedness and response

Universal health coverage: A link not to be missed in pandemic prevention, preparedness and response

Universal health coverage: A link not to be missed in pandemic prevention, preparedness and response Pandemic Treaty negotiations (INB11) take a positive step forward in recognizing the importance of…

UNGA79 Side event: Financial Protection: the key to unlocking universal health coverage and ensuring equitable access for all

UNGA79 Side event: Financial Protection: the key to unlocking universal health coverage and ensuring equitable access for all

UNGA79 Side event: Financial Protection: the key to unlocking universal health coverage and ensuring equitable access for all The 5th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Group of Friends of Universal…

2024 UHC Day Virtual letter-writing workshop for youth

2024 UHC Day Virtual letter-writing workshop for youth

2024 UHC Day Virtual letter-writing workshop for youth A practical letter-writing workshop for youth SDG and UHC advocates As part of the 2024 UHC Day Campaign, UHC2030, CSEM and the International…

The Mpox global health emergency: A critical reminder of the need to prioritize and invest in universal health coverage in the pandemic agreement

The Mpox global health emergency: A critical reminder of the need to prioritize and invest in universal health coverage in the pandemic agreement

The Mpox global health emergency: A critical reminder of the need to prioritize and invest in universal health coverage in the pandemic agreement An op-ed by UHC2030's co-chairs This op-ed was…

From promise to practice: Finalizing a Pact for the Future that delivers health for all

From promise to practice: Finalizing a Pact for the Future that delivers health for all

From promise to practice: Finalizing a Pact for the Future that delivers health for all A statement from UHC2030's co-chairs ahead of the Summit of the Future In today's times of unpredictability and…

UHC Day 2024 Campaign Launch

UHC Day 2024 Campaign Launch

UHC Day 2024 Campaign Launch Join us for the official launch of the 2024 UHC Day campaign! Over the last 20 years, financial protection has progressively deteriorated, with 2 billion people…

2024 UHC Day Campaign Virtual Letter Writing Workshop

2024 UHC Day Campaign Virtual Letter Writing Workshop

2024 UHC Day Campaign Virtual Letter Writing Workshop Before the launch of the 2024 UHC Day campaign, UHC2030, CSEM and the International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA), with the…



Prioritizing health and well-being for all A note from UHC2030 on the Summit of the Future COVID-19 demonstrated the devasta5ng impacts health crises can have on our world. In se>ng the blueprint for…



Prioritizing health and well-being for all A note from UHC2030 on the Summit of the Future COVID-19 demonstrated the devasta5ng impacts health crises can have on our world. In se>ng the blueprint for…