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5146 results:



Health budget literacy, advocacy and accountability for universal health coverage Toolkit for capacity-building C1. What is the budget cycle, and what are its key stages and actors? The budget is…


C2. Main stakeholders in the budget cycle Various stakeholders participate in the budget cycle, depending on their duties and interests. The same stakeholders may participate in different stages.…



Health budget literacy, advocacy and accountability for universal health coverage Toolkit for capacity-building C2. Main stakeholders in the budget cycle Various stakeholders participate in the…


C3. The budget cycle and its stages and stakeholders for UHCKey stakeholders in several stages of the budget cycle are line ministries such as the ministry of health. To effectively influence…



Health budget literacy, advocacy and accountability for universal health coverage Toolkit for capacity-building C3. The budget cycle and its stages and stakeholders for UHC Key stakeholders in…


Activity: Building the budget cycle for your countryLog on to your country’s Ministry of Finance website. Search for a link or document that provides information on the budget cycle. With the…



Health budget literacy, advocacy and accountability for universal health coverage Toolkit for capacity-building Activity: Building the budget cycle for your country Log on to your country’s Ministry…


Tool: Handbook on strategizing health in the 21st century to identify the role of the ministry of health in the budget cycle Chapter 8 of the handbook (34) addresses budgeting for health and…



Health budget literacy, advocacy and accountability for universal health coverage Toolkit for capacity-building Tool: Handbook on strategizing health in the 21st century to identify the role of the…


D1. Key budget documents and their content A capacity to be developed for budget analysis or for influencing the budget is finding, reading and using budget documents. Governments publish some…