Questions and Answers on the OneHealth Tool - expanded set for expert users such as Health Economics, Public Health Specialists, Health Planners and other who will be deeply involved in the use of…
A rapid assessment of the burden of indicators and reporting requirements for health monitoring1 1 Prepared for the multi-agency working group on Indicators and Reporting Requirements by the…
Joint Assessment of National Health Strategies and Plans Version 2: September 2011 Joint Assessment of National Health Strategies and Plans Joint Assessment Tool: the attributes of a sound…
Joint Assessment of National Health Strategies and Plans Combined Joint Assessment Tool and Guidelines Version 3, August 2013 For further information and additional documents on Joint Assessment,…
Quality assurance checklist for a health sector or sub-sector JANS The purpose of this checklist is to provide those involved in organising a Joint Assessment of a National health Strategy (JANS) and…
Liste de contrôle destinée à garantir la qualité d’un JANS sectoriel ou sous-sectoriel du secteur de la santé (septembre 2013) L’objectif de cette liste de contrôle est de fournir aux personnes…
Évaluation conjointe des stratégies et plans de santé nationaux Deuxième version : septembre 2011 Évaluation conjointe des stratégies et plans de santé nationaux Outil d’évaluation conjointe :…
Raising and Channeling Funds Working Group 2 Report 2 Contents Preface 5 Summary and main recommendations 7 1. Responding to the crisis 11 A. Introduction 11 B. The importance of…
Financial Management Harmonization and Alignment : It’s All About Results 28/03/2014 ''Financial management in the health sector is a sacred responsibility because it ensures the health of the …
Harmonisation de la gestion financiere Questions frequentes Aou t 2013 L’harmonisation des modalités de gestion financière par les partenaires du développement peut réduire la charge que de…