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54 results:

Community-based health intervention: a step towards Universal Health Coverage in Nigeria

Community-based health intervention: a step towards Universal Health Coverage in Nigeria

Community-based health intervention: a step towards Universal Health Coverage in Nigeria As part of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) commitment monitoring, we want to tell the real stories of UHC as…

The experience of Kenya’s UHC Scheme Pilot in one hospital

The experience of Kenya’s UHC Scheme Pilot in one hospital

The experience of Kenya’s UHC Scheme Pilot in one hospital As part of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) commitment monitoring, we want to tell the real stories of UHC as experienced by people across…

A young mother’s story of lacking family planning in Uganda

A young mother’s story of lacking family planning in Uganda

A young mother’s story of lacking family planning in Uganda As part of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) commitment monitoring, we want to tell the real stories of UHC as experienced by people across…

Child-friendly health services in an Indonesian village

Child-friendly health services in an Indonesian village

Child-friendly health services in an Indonesian village As part of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) commitment monitoring, we want to tell the real stories of UHC as experienced by people across the…

COVID-19 experience in the Indonesian Health System

COVID-19 experience in the Indonesian Health System

COVID-19 experience in the Indonesian Health System As part of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) commitment monitoring, we want to tell the real stories of UHC as experienced by people across the…

A public health professional’s story of UHC progress and challenges in Nigeria

A public health professional’s story of UHC progress and challenges in Nigeria

A public health professional’s story of UHC progress and challenges in Nigeria As part of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) commitment monitoring, we want to tell the real stories of UHC as experienced…

Ethiopia’s Community-Based Social Accountability Groups for quality health services

Ethiopia’s Community-Based Social Accountability Groups for quality health services

Ethiopia’s Community-Based Social Accountability Groups for quality health services As part of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) commitment monitoring, we want to tell the real stories of UHC as…

Investing in Community Health Workers: Africa leaders on a critical force for UHC

Investing in Community Health Workers: Africa leaders on a critical force for UHC

Investing in Community Health Workers: Africa leaders on a critical force for UHC By Dr. Mohammed Abdulaziz, Maziko Matemba, Dr. Herilinda Temba and Dr. John Wanyungu Long before the COVID pandemic…

From hype and hope to hands-on solutions – Cross-stakeholder collaboration to accelerate digital health care

From hype and hope to hands-on solutions – Cross-stakeholder collaboration to accelerate digital health care

From hype and hope to hands-on solutions – Cross-stakeholder collaboration to accelerate digital health care For the past decade, the health care industry has been debating the potential of…

Mobilizing private sector contributions to resilient and equitable health systems - what will it take?

Mobilizing private sector contributions to resilient and equitable health systems - what will it take?

Mobilizing private sector contributions to resilient and equitable health systems - what will it take? In this blog members of UHC2030's Private Sector Constituency share examples of how the private…