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3597 results:

UN HLM 2019 UHC Media

Please find all media information and activities relating to the UN High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage (UN HLM UHC) here. Press releases and meeting summaries Press release and…

UN HLM 2019 art exhibition

Art for UHC Movement Where is it? The Art exhibition was displayed during several events: Sunday 22 September Living art during Walk the Talk: The Health for All Challenge Venue:…

UN HLM 2019 campaign materials

Based on the consolidated UHC2030 Asks to UNHLM, UHC2030 will produce coordinated advocacy tools and guidance that both member states and non-states actors can use. Use the below materials…

A History of Universal Health Coverage in the UN

To promote physical and mental health and well-being, and to extend life expectancy for all, we must achieve universal health coverage and access to quality health care. We must leave no one…

UN HLM 2019 Multi-stakeholder Hearing Statements

On April 29th, 2019, the President of the General Assembly, with the support of the World Health Organization and UHC 2030 convened an interactive multi-stakeholder hearing. To ensure…

Joint annual reviews

Joint annual health sector reviews or JARs are a useful mechanism to review progress in the sector and identify issues that need to be addressed to improve performance. Many low and lower-middle…

How to improve technical assistance

Technical assistance (TA) makes up a substantial proportion of development cooperation for health (over a quarter on some estimates) so it is important to make the most of these…

Group of Friends of UHC

Register for the webinar on 8 October here The Group of Friends of UHC will serve as an informal platform for UN Member States to exchange information on events and initiatives worldwide and at…

UN HLM 2019 FAQs

Frequently asked questions regarding the UN HLM Click on the headings below to find ansers to the most commonly asked questions regarding the UN HLM. A United Nations High-Level Meeting (UN HLM)…

Contribution to UN HLM 2019 Preparation

Key Asks from the UHC movement UHC2030 has been tasked to support the UN HLM with a focus on “sharing evidence and good practices, challenges and lessons learned.” To develop a set of key asks for…