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5071 results:

Budget toolkit

Toolkit on health budget literacy, advocacy and accountability for UHC Health budget literacy, advocacy and accountability is critical for civil society and other stakeholders to influence…

State of UHC commitment

Tracking the state of commitment to universal health coverage around the world The State of Commitment to Universal Health Coverage (UHC) brings a unique multi-stakeholder view to a…

About the 2019 High-level Meeting on UHC

Political Declaration on UHC High Level Meeting Statements on UHC Key Asks from the UHC movement Target commitments and actions Multi-stakeholder Hearing Statements Photo by Asad…

Key Asks from the UHC Movement

Everyone, everywhere should have access to quality and affordable health services. We call on political leaders to legislate, invest and collaborate with whole of society to make universal health…

Elevating voices

Elevating voices

Election advocacy guide UN High-Level Meeting on UHC 2023 Universal Health Coverage Day The Coalition of Partnerships for UHC and Global Health State of UHC Commitment Our other areas…

Sharing knowledge and networks

Sharing knowledge and networks

Knowledge exchange and learning Health systems related initiatives Civil society engagement Private sector engagement Parliamentarian engagement UHC Data Portal Our other areas of…

Voice, agency, empowerment - handbook on social participation for universal health coverage

Social participation mechanisms are vital for responsive health reforms that leave no one behind in efforts to achieve universal health coverage (UHC). In September 2019, Member States at the UN…


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UN HLM 2019 Statements on UHC

On 23 September 2019, the President of the General Assembly convened the United Nations High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage To ensure mobilizing a broad range of multi-sectorial…

UN HLM 2019 UHC Media

Please find all media information and activities relating to the UN High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage (UN HLM UHC) here. Press releases and meeting summaries Press release and…