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3597 results:



2024–2027 CADRE STRATÉGIQUE Favoriser la mise en œuvre des engagements mondiaux en matière de couverture santé universelle par le plaidoyer, la responsabilisation et l'alignement La CSU2030 est…



2024–2027 STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK Fostering the implementation of global commitments on universal health coverage through advocacy, accountability and alignment UHC2030 is a global, multi-stakeholder…

UHC2030 celebrates the adoption of the resolution on social participation for universal health coverage, health and well-being

UHC2030 celebrates the adoption of the resolution on social participation for universal health coverage, health and well-being

UHC2030 celebrates the adoption of the resolution on social participation for universal health coverage, health and well-being A statement from UHC2030 co-chairs following the adoption of the…

Voices for health: driving universal health coverage through social participation

Voices for health: driving universal health coverage through social participation

Voices for health: driving universal health coverage through social participation The Coalition of Partnerships for UHC and Global Health urges Member States to support the resolution on social…



A note from UHC2030 ahead of the Mul6-stakeholder Hearing on An6microbial Resistance Leveraging universal health coverage to address AMR Efforts to control antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and efforts…



A note from UHC2030 ahead of the Mul6-stakeholder Hearing on An6microbial Resistance Leveraging universal health coverage to address AMR Efforts to control antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and efforts…

Election advocacy map 2025

The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this graphic do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UHC2030 and its hosts concerning the legal status of…

The imperative case for universal health coverage (UHC): Fostering the translation of UHC commitments into action.

The imperative case for universal health coverage (UHC): Fostering the translation of UHC commitments into action.

The imperative case for universal health coverage (UHC): Fostering the translation of UHC commitments into action. UHC2030’s new 2024-2027 Strategic Framework outlines three pathways for collective…

2024–2027 Strategic Framework

At the mid-point of the 2030 target for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), progress towards achieving universal health coverage (UHC) is off track (1). According to the latest data, at least…

Open letter to Ministers of Health: About the resolution on social participation for universal health coverage, health and well-being

Open letter to Ministers of Health: About the resolution on social participation for universal health coverage, health and well-being

Open letter to Ministers of Health: About the resolution on social participation for universal health coverage, health and well-being An open letter to Ministers of Health ahead of the…