st Meeting summary of official side event at 71 World Health Assembly: Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in emergencies – a call to action World Health Assembly 2018 Universal Health Coverage (UHC)…
Draft 08/03/18 UHC2030 Working Group on Support to Countries with Fragile or Challenging Operating Environments Terms of Reference: 2018-19 Contents Background…
Draft 08/03/18 UHC2030 Working Group on Support to Countries with Fragile or Challenging Operating Environments Terms of Reference: 2018-19 Contents Background…
UHC2030 Private Sector Constituency – Membership Arrangements As part of the UHC2030 Private Sector Constituency, your entity will be able to engage in the global dialogue on UHC and engage with…
TOBACCO /ARMS RELATED DISCLOSURE STATEMENT FOR NON-STATE ACTORS1 Pursuant the WHO Framework of Engagement with Non-State Actors, WHO does not engage with the tobacco industry or non-State actors…
WHA 71 side event UHC in emergencies meeting summary Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in emergencies – a call to action Meeting brief of official side event at 71st World Health assembly 21st May 2018…
WHA 71 side event UHC in emergencies meeting report st Meeting summary of official side event at 71 World Health Assembly: Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in emergencies – a call to action World…
Request for Proposals - Coordination in Fragile Settings REVISED DEADLINE: UHC2030 is looking for a company or consultant(s) to conduct a review and consultation of the interface of humanitarian and…
Ending the AIDS epidemic and achieving UHC by 2030 in Africa Satellite session at the AIDS Conference, Amsterdam - Monday 23 July UNAIDS, the Government of Kenya and the WHO with an additional…
What makes a good case for allocating more of the national budget to the health sector? Blog post from Max Dapaah, World Bank Group Posted from Investing in health: news and views from healthy…