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1949 results:

Primary care: the first line of defense

… in primary healthcare.

OECD DAC indicateurs french[1].pdf

OECD DAC indicateurs french[1].pdf

III. INDICATEURS DES PROGRÈS à mesurer à l’échelon national et à suivre à l’échelon international APPROPRIATION OBJECTIFS-CIBLES POUR 2010 Les partenaires ont des stratégies de développement

IHP_Results_2012_Rpt French.pdf

IHP_Results_2012_Rpt French.pdf

… sanitaire (Health Metrics Network) …

Action on health systems, for universal health coverage and health security

Action on health systems, for universal health coverage and health security

…Action on health systems, for universal health

Community-based health intervention: a step towards Universal Health Coverage in Nigeria

Community-based health intervention: a step towards Universal Health Coverage in Nigeria

…As part of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) commitment…