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11 results:

Joint Statement by the UHC2030 Private Sector Constituency

Joint Statement by the UHC2030 Private Sector Constituency

… care (including self-care), immunization at all ages, early diagnosis, and treatment with quality medicines -- all underpinned by strong primary health care. The private sector is an engine for innovation…

A Community HIV/AIDS Support Agent with HIV in Zimbabwe

A Community HIV/AIDS Support Agent with HIV in Zimbabwe

… am now working hard in my community, encouraging people to get tested and to receive ART medicines if they are positive. My community views me as a true living testimony and I am happy to inspire…

How can we build gender-responsive health systems? Participate in the online consultation

How can we build gender-responsive health systems? Participate in the online consultation

… systems: health service delivery, health workforce, health information systems, access to essential medicines, health systems financing, health leadership and governance. The brief will be launched by UHC Day…

How do we forge a shared path toward universal health coverage in Africa?

How do we forge a shared path toward universal health coverage in Africa?

… is not always obvious. For example, over the past two decades, every dollar spent on essential medicines in Africa has generated $20 more in social and economic benefits. Every shot of a vaccine into a…

Access and innovation: two issues for the private sector’s response to COVID-19

Access and innovation: two issues for the private sector’s response to COVID-19

… of the Global Self-Care Federation (GSCF) are working to ensure continuous access to the critical medicines, medical equipment and vaccines they produce, while urging governments to implement policies and…

How health systems strengthening related initiatives contribute to progress towards UHC

How health systems strengthening related initiatives contribute to progress towards UHC

… ensuring that people and communities have access to quality, accessible, affordable essential medicines is integral to achieving UHC. Unitaid contributes to implementing the UHC Political…

Faced by the COVID-19 crisis, it is crucial that world leaders remember their universal health coverage commitments

Faced by the COVID-19 crisis, it is crucial that world leaders remember their universal health coverage commitments

… Governments must pay special attention to protect health workers and take urgent action so essential medicines and equipment are available where they are most needed. Context-specific guidance on triage and…

Beyond COVID-19 (coronavirus): What will be the new normal for health systems and universal health coverage?

Beyond COVID-19 (coronavirus): What will be the new normal for health systems and universal health coverage?

… addressing health workforce shortages and ensuring equitable access to new diagnostics , medicines and vaccines. If retained, positive innovations developed during the pandemic – in service delivery…

All hands on deck – mobilizing private sector contribution to accelerate progress towards universal health coverage

All hands on deck – mobilizing private sector contribution to accelerate progress towards universal health coverage

… private providers of health-related services, companies developing medical devices, diagnostics, medicines, vaccines and other medical products, firms involved in digital and information technologies,…

Mobilizing private sector contributions to resilient and equitable health systems - what will it take?

Mobilizing private sector contributions to resilient and equitable health systems - what will it take?

… health value chain such as service providers, health insurers, and manufacturers and distributors of medicines, health products and innovative technologies. To find out more: Private sector engagement -…