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… Civil society groups that focus more on sectors or issues (such as health, education, human rights, gender equality, poverty) have also adopted budget analysis and budget advocacy as components of their work.…



… have made important UHC commitments and set national targets, including to prioritize equity and gender equality. Yet gaps persist between legislation, policy, implementation and results. Looking ahead, the…

Public hearing on a new instrument to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response

Public hearing on a new instrument to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response

… health functions. Reaching and protecting the most vulnerable groups in society, and enhancing gender equality and empowering women and girls. Ensuring adequate numbers and distribution of well-trained,…



… universal health coverage............................................ 10 Action area 7: Guarantee gender equality in health................................................................. 11 Action area 8:…

Turning global commitment for UHC into national and local action

Turning global commitment for UHC into national and local action

… should encourage governments to embark on a ‘whole of society’ approach with strong accountability, gender equity and the empowerment of women in shaping health emergency preparedness and response, which…



…o): WHY DO YOU SUPPORT HEALTH FOR ALL? • Refugee Crisis • Non-Communicable Diseases • Pandemic Preparedness • Gender Equality • Economic Growth NEXT STEPS WE NEED • Prioritize the Poorest • More Investment • Better…

Universal health coverage: a wise investment with high returns

Universal health coverage: a wise investment with high returns

… work of women, who make up more than 70 percent of that workforce - including by addressing the gender pay gap, and ensuring better pay and decent working conditions, facilitate high-quality health…

Non-state actor consultation on the Global Action Plan for Healthy Lives and Well-being

… together with the CSEM GAP Advisory Group will seek to ensure a balance of: geography; age and gender; sectoral representation; thematic focus/health issue of interest; and affected population…

Action Agenda from the UHC Movement

… health coverage and health security, and promote equity for vulnerable and marginalized groups, gender equality, accountability, human rights and economic prosperity. World leaders have a unique…



… and transparency by strengthening accountability in health governance. Action Area 7: Guarantee Gender Equality Gender equality is critical to achieving the ambitions of UHC and leaving no one behind.…